Head of Plant Purchasing

Jūsų užduotys

Organisational Development            
▪ Build up / maintain best functional organisational model for plant purchasing  which integrates in overall PUR organisation of  MFS 
▪ Introduce and maintain state of the art purchasing procedures coherent with the purchasing procedures of BU and CAG
- Ensure that suitable resources are available and make corrections if necessary. Train purchasing staff on procedures.                                                    
Team Management            
- Recruit, develop and train team members. 
 - Steer the operative activities of the team by using targets and target achievement reviews.
 - Report results of the team's work monthly in requested KPIs
 - Ensure compliant Purchasing work of the team                                                
Daily operative business for serial parts (production material)            
▪ Ensure that Scheduling Agreements, POs and other Purchasing Documents are issued on time and in coherence with the valid commodity strategies and the nomination decisions of AP resp. CP
▪ Trouble Shoot first escalation level in case of supply problems or bad supplier quality
▪ Communicate demands and other necessary information to commodity management
 - Manage EOP situations and procurement of spare parts
 - Sign legally binding purchasing documents (e.g. framework contracts, consi contracts) on behalf of the legal entity and according   
   P201.1 regulation
 - Give input to commodity management for the elaboration of strategies (e.g. supplier evaluation etc.)
 - Negotiate with suppliers outside the scope of commodity management                                                    
Ensure professional handling of smaller customer projects            
▪ Ensure that supplier RfQs are issued, negotiated and supplier nominations are made for any small customer project without APQP structure in coherence with the BU's Purchasing strategies                                                
Daily operative business for NPM            
- Ensure that NPMs are bought in accordance with Corporate and BU guidelines and strategies
- Ensure that Corporate contracts and tools such as CEOS II are used.
- Ensure that necessary RfQ 's' are sent out on B47:V48  negotiations with suppliers held and suppliers are contracted.
- Ensure that NPM savings are reported into the IST system    

Skaityti daugiau Skaityti mažiau


-Certification: Bachelor Degree or higher  or adequate long term professional experience                            
-Professional Experience: 3 or more years of professional experience in Automtoive Purchasing or other relevant functions                                                                
-Process Experience: proven experience in Purchasing functions and organisational principles; project management experience is a plus                                                                
-Leadership Experience: is a plus                                                                
-International Experience: experienced in international cultures and business environment, worked in international Teams for minimum 3 years                    

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