Enviromental Technician

Jūsų užduotys

*Application  the requirements of the STN EN ISO 14001 standard;
*Maintains mandatory documentation in the field of the Environment;
*Ensuring a comprehensive waste management agenda, including ensuring its physical disposal in accordance with applicable laws and regulations;*Monitoring and management legislative changes in the field of waste management, environmental protection and ensures their compliance;
*Organizing and supervising control activities in the field of environmental protection to ensure compliance with legal regulations;* Processing documentation according to STN EN ISO 14001;
* Processing the waste management agenda; protection of air, water, soil, nature and landscape;
* Checking the purchase of materials - chemicals and their approval;* Investigate of environmental incidents, near misses,
* Cooperation with local and state autuhority,
* Ensure the achievement of Environmental targets according to internal and external customer expectations,*Consulting services in the field of professional, methodological, organizational, control, coordination, educational tasks and other tasks in ensuring environment,
*Cooperation with plant and company departments,*Keeping electronic records of air pollution sources;
*Applying the conditions of decisions and consents of public administration bodies in the field of the environment to internal conditions within the scope of competence;*Performing internal audits in the environmental sector;
*Conducting internal training in the field of environmental protection;
*Informing the public about the company's impacts on the environment;*Ensuring technical and organizational preparation of measurements/analyses of pollutants discharged into the environment;
*Processing emergency procedures within the scope of environmental activities;
*Investigating, recording and reporting industrial accidents and serious industrial accidents;
*Cooperating and negotiating with control bodies and third parties;


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Legal and other requirements EnvironmentEnvironment specific skils - Expert

Legal and other requirements (environment) - Advanced

Language knowledge -English  Advanced

Hazardous substances management - Advanced

MS OfficeCountry - Advanced

Skaityti daugiau Skaityti mažiau

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