Order Management Associate / Analyst

Jūsų užduotys

In Scope:
- Enter SAP Orders according to ContiTech (CT) Work Instructions, MTS Orders in SAP Module SD (P61) -> Pilot AAM PTS Business
- Order Intake via EDI, Tangro, manual orders
- Confirm orders with leadtimes based on CT Guideline to customers via SAP workflow (automatic) or shared E-Mail Address within 2 working days
- Orders will be sent from CT to External Service Provider via E-Mail

- Training / Onboarding initially done by CT; afterwards Train a Trainer concept by Service Provider
- In case of questions the Service Provider needs to contact CT Contact immediately
- Fixed price / order or flat- rate
- Payment once a month
- In case of mistakes the Service provider needs to be liable for consequental damage
- NDA crucial for external provider

Skaityti daugiau Skaityti mažiau


▪  Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
▪  2-5 years of experience in Customer Service, Order Management or Suppy Chain roles
▪  Order Management or Supply Chain Management experience required
▪  Small group project or process improvement initiative
▪  At least 2 years experience in a BPO or shared services environment working with Asia, Australia, Europe, South Africa, Latin America or North America market.

Skaityti daugiau Skaityti mažiau

Mes siūlome

• Work effectively in teams, including multi-disciplinary teams
• Demonstrates even-tempered, tactful, considerate and pleasant behavior• Presents and maintains a professional demeanor
• Self-starter, able to determine work steps based on management direction• Takes initiative and asks clarifying questions as necessary
• Demonstrated ability to manage multiple priorities and follow through on projects to completion • Maintains composure in a fast-paced, rapidly changing environment
• Consistently exhibits sound professional judgment• Ability to identify and analyze issues, prioritize and quickly recommend and implement appropriate solutions
• Demonstrated ability to achieve successful outcomes in handling difficult situations, customers and suppliers• Thinking critically and structuring analyses to solve poorly defined problems
• Basic project management skills, including understanding how to plan for own work in reasonable time frame and break tasks into achievable sub-tasks• Strong analytical abilities, including ability to leverage Excel, Access and other quantitative analysis tools
• Strong business modeling experience• Ability to effectively interact with many levels of management in both one-on-one and multi-disciplinary group settings• Good written and oral communication skills

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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Apie mus

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2021, Continental generated sales of €33.8 billion and currently employs more than 190,000 people in 58 countries and markets. On October 8, 2021, the company celebrated its 150th anniversary. The ContiTech group sector develops and manufactures, for example, cross-material, environmentally friendly and intelligent products and systems for the automotive industry, railway engineering, mining, agriculture and other key industries. Guided by the vision of “smart and sustainable solutions beyond rubber,” the group sector draws on its long-standing knowledge of the industry and materials to open up new business opportunities by combining various materials with electronic components and individual services.

Skaityti daugiau Skaityti mažiau

Pasirinkite, kaip norite aplikuoti

Jei turite Continental el. paštą, galite pasinaudoti juo aplikuojant. Tokiu atveju paraiškos statusą galite matyti sistemoje. Jei neturite Continental el. pašto adreso, aplikuokite naudojant savo asmeninį paštą. Šiuo atveju, visą informaciją apie paraiškos statusą gausite el. paštu.

Prašome atkreipti dėmesį, jog šiame portale galite aplikuoti į pozicijas tik tuo atveju, jei šiuo metu esate dirbantis Continental įmonėje. Jeigu dar nesate Continental darbuotojas, lauksime jūsų paraiškos per išorinį darbo portalą.

Paraiškos per vidinį darbo portalą nesuteikia jokių juridinių teisių ar darbo santykių.

Dalinkitės šiuo įrašu su kolegomis

Norėdami pasidalinti šiuo darbo skelbimu, nukopijuokite svetainės nuorodą ir nusiųskite ją kolegai naudodami el. paštą arba „Teams“. Atminkite, jog tik Continental darbuotojai gali aplikuoti į šį vidinį darbo skelbimą. Jei norite pasidalinti viešai paskelbta pozicija su aplinkiniais, apsilankykite mūsų bendrame darbo portale.