QMS engineer


- Plans the functioning of the system in accordance with ISO standards, applying them to existing procedures and standards.

- Organizes and prepares audits, after which he plans and works on improving the observed weak points of the system.

- Manages the communication of information about results within the company, as well as the collection of action lists and their implementation.

- Evaluates existing procedures and standards and proposes measures to improve them.

- Evaluates their compliance with existing QMS standards. - Manages the necessary documentation.

- Gives guidance to employees on QMS requirements related to standards, procedures, specifications.

- Prepares the necessary documentation at the request of the Quality Manager.

- Actively participates in communication with auditors.

- Creates and monitors the execution of the actions defined within the action lists by the customer. Informs the customer about the results of the implemented actions.

- Participates in the preparation and production of documentation required by the applied standards.

- Manages established documentation - approves, distributes, updates, archives established documents and records.

- Plans and participates in internal checks required by the applied standards - process audit, system audit, etc.

- Plans, implements and implements specific actions to improve implemented standards - corrective and preventive measures.

- Communicates with the auditors of the selected accredited certification house - participates in initial and supervisory checks, in defining and implementing the action list after the check.

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Higher professional education, Graduated in Economics; Graduated in mechanical or electrical engineering, Graduated in environmental protection engineering; Graduate Engineer of technology; Graduate engineer for quality management; VII/1 degree – First degree of basic academic studies

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