Sales Supporting Specialist 销售支持专员

Descrição da função

Enabling sales operation's priority, capability & processes to support the sales transformation initiatives. Dedicate skillset and expertise to facilitate sales projects. Provide high-quality, backend support (tools, processes, modeling methodology) coupled with timely data-driven insights.

▪ Provide analytical supports to sales and management team including target allocation/ completion status, performance dashboard etc. Provide a deeper understanding of national sales performance & pain points.

▪ Drive sales discipline and enables new habits to help sales teams achieve targets. Provide high quality, backend support, coupled with timely data driven insights.

▪ Execute standardization of processes and tools and capture continous improvement opportunities to maximize sales efficiency.

▪Function as central contact window for field, increasing field transparency and engagement in sales operational topics.

▪ Support regular business reports both for sales teams and leadership dashboard.

▪ Support business planning and target allocation based on market, sales, channel and brand strategy.

▪ Provide data analytics & insight on business opportunity & risk from various analysis.

▪ Ensure regular & ad hoc reports to various levels of users with diagnostic and action proposals.

▪ Help translate business needs into technology solutions which will formulate in sales operation excellence practice.

▪ Ensure effective, accurate and timely communication of critical information to intrenal and external project team members.

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Quem somos

大陆集团专业开发前沿性技术与服务,以人和货物运输为着眼点,致力于打造可持续且可联动的交通方式。集团成立于 1871 年,作为一家科技企业,它负责为车辆、机器、交通及运输行业提供安全、高效、智能且经济实惠的解决方案。2022 年,大陆集团实现营收 394 亿欧元,目前在全球 57 个国家和市场地区雇用约 20 万名员工。

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