Your tasks

Understand the different needs of the requests in an international environment with complex structure and processes which have to be followed.  These will give us additionally a better overview how to use the internal resources (human/investment) in the plant for a better output identifying major costs in the chain of processes.

Internal rules and processes should be followed to be in line with the guidelines of Continental, which do not give much freedom to act in terms of reporting information since centrally standardized and follow what the other plant are doing in terms of reporting for our management that today are only done partially.

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Your profile

Active student (MANDATORY)

CAREERS: Psychology, Business Administration, Business Management or Design. 

Have college insurance

Microsoft Management

Program Period: 6 TO 12 MONTHS

Intermediate English (desirable)

Skills: Teamwork, communication, initiative, organization, creativity

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O que oferecemos

Continental we are committed to building an inclusive and discrimination-free ecosystem in Mexico, these principles are rooted in our corporate philosophy and culture. Therefore, it is totally forbidden to request a pregnancy or HIV test as part of our selection processes. #LI-AT1At

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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Quem somos

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2022, Continental generated sales of €39.4 billion and currently employs around 200,000 people in 57 countries and markets.

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Escolha sua maneira de se inscrever

Se você tiver um endereço de e-mail da Continental, poderá usá-lo para se candidatar. Em seguida, você poderá visualizar o status de sua inscrição diretamente no sistema. Se não tiver um endereço de e-mail da Continental, inscreva-se com seu endereço de e-mail particular. Você receberá toda a correspondência e o status da inscrição por e-mail.

Observe que você só pode se candidatar por meio deste portal se estiver atualmente empregado pela Continental. Caso ainda não seja funcionário, esperamos receber sua candidatura por meio de nosso portal de empregos externo.

As candidaturas através do portal interno de vagas não constituem nenhum direito legal ou relação de trabalho.

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