Assistant to Project Management-Intern

Your tasks

1. 支持项目团队进行项目材料以及客户展示材料的准备

2. 支持项目管理等工作,跟进项目涉及到落地的全过程

3. 技术文档的梳理,格式调整,中英文翻译并审核

4. 项目客户问题追踪


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Your profile

1. 管理、工程、外语类专业大三、大四、研一同学优先

2. 一周至少三天,至少3个月

3. 熟练运用office软件,尤其是Excel & PPT 技能,需要制作较为专业的PPT用于管理层会议

4. 公司设备为全英文操作系统,日常办公也以英语为主,因此需要良好的中英文读写和翻译能力(CET-6及以上),来适应这个全球化的团队

5. 较好的思维逻辑和问题解决能力,善于和团队合作,做事认真负责,积极主动

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O que oferecemos

Existing network within Continental Automotive China;
Existing network with Chinese customers is a plus

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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Quem somos

Continental Engineering Services is one of the famous international automotive technology service providers. Across our locations in Asia, Europe and the North America, we offer solutions covering consulting, R&D for both software and hardware as well as small series production.


 We are continuously shaping the future of automotive technology through our work with the leading OEMs worldwide, covering all vehicle domains and stages of the development process – from idea to product.


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Escolha sua maneira de se inscrever

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Observe que você só pode se candidatar por meio deste portal se estiver atualmente empregado pela Continental. Caso ainda não seja funcionário, esperamos receber sua candidatura por meio de nosso portal de empregos externo.

As candidaturas através do portal interno de vagas não constituem nenhum direito legal ou relação de trabalho.

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