Central R&D controller R&D 财务控制(芜湖)

Descrição da função

  • Reporting and analysis of R&D costs (cost items, locations, etc.).
  • Project controlling of R&D projects in the project planning tool Global PS.
  • R&D budget: Asia-wide coordination between R&D locations and customer center, top-down budget target-setting.
  • R&D forecast: Asia-wide coordination between R&D locations and customer center, tracking of goal achievement, target-setting.
  • Development of new and advanced reports with big data analysis (Power Pivot, Power BI, Python).
  • Interface to segments/project management, R&D operations, and all R&D units of the business area.
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  • Completed degree in business administration or (economics) computer science.
  • Excellent Excel skills.
  • Experience in SAP R/3, BW (Fire, Gloria), Global PS.
  • Affinity for reporting/data analysis (big data).
  • English language skills in speaking and writing.
  • Analytical approach Collaboration with international teams.
  • Communication skills, high resilience, and results orientation.
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