IE Machining Engineer

Descrição da função

1 Effective and timely response to production concerns, (including assisting maintenance breakdown if required)

2 Adherence to and preparation of timing plans

3 Ensure all production facility list such as BML , tool plan , setting plan is available and correct, which production team leader can be able to set up the machine with them

4 Ensuring process standardization and prepare accurate drawings at correct levels

5 Ensure that tooling, fixture and change parts are available at agreed dates in line with start of production requirements where necessary, this may involve computer aided design of fixtures and change details

6 Provision of necessary support to secure the production smooth change over process

7 Priority must always be given to running production concerns and full support given when requested

8 Good communication links are required between production, engineering, logistics and quality.  This communication link is strengthened by ensuring the engineering availability at the morning walks

9 In collaboration with team, lead and initiate the roadmap projects , full involvement in the roadmap projects

10 Assist the Engineering Manger with the introduction of new products/processes when requested

11 Evaluate existing processes and cycle times and aim to continuously improve an implement the process optimization or improvement

12 Process lesson learnt sharing

13 To participate in and lead continuous improvement activities

14 Initiate the significant process improvement projects on his own with perspective of enhancing productivity

15 Perform a changeover on a machine if requested by a senior manager.  This would only happen if deemed absolutely necessary by the Management Team

16 Provide training for production teams or other engineers on core skills

17 Liaise with external vendors, ensuring detailed specifications are always provided to ensure the most cost effective purchasing

18 Other duties assigned by supervisor

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1 Major in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent

2 Positive mind-set and Innovative awareness

3 5-year solid experience min. in metal-cutting industry with medium or large volume production by using CNC machines is required

4 Be proficient in CNC controls e.g. Siemens 840D Solution line / Power line or Fanuc 18/31i …

5 Solid knowledge of Quality (PPAP /SPC / P-FMEA …..)

6 Be familiar with Solidworks or similar one, Auto CAD

7 Deep understanding of mechanics & hydraulics

8 Sound Experience with automation in machining is a Plus (e.g. Process Digitalization / Material Handling…)

9 Be experienced in continuous improvement

10 Structured analysis & Systematical problem solving skills is required 

11 Good command of English, adapt to English working environment

12 Be able to use various digital tools

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