Aftermarket Product Manager

Descrição da função

-Product manager responsible for automotive  parts for China market
- Implement product strategy short-term & long-term, product development and cost management
- Create a lean an optimum portfolio based on market coverage analyses, market demand and profitability
- Coordinate activities with related dept. for product development for China market
- Drives the benchmarking activities within China

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- Bachelor( or equivalent) or higher degree in Engineering or Business Administration
- 4+ years experience in Automotive Industry 
- Project management experience required
- Good technical & commercial /marketing knowledge and skills for electronic products
- Very good skills in MS office products
-Language skills English(Fluently in speaking and writing)
-Open minded and abbe to adapt quickly to the team in China and overseas

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O que oferecemos

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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Quem somos

大陆集团致力于开发创新技术和服务,为人们及其货物提供可持续性的互联驾乘和运输解决方案。科技公司大陆集团成立于1871年,为车辆、机械设备、交通及运输领域提供安全、高效、智能且经济适用的解决方案。2021年大陆集团销售额为338亿欧元。目前集团在全球员工数量超过190,000名,遍及58个国家和地区。大陆集团于2021年10月8日庆祝公司成立150周年。 自从1994年正式开始在中国市场运营,大陆集团服务于各个汽车细分市场上主要的汽车生产商。与此同时,我们也开发和生产材料、功能部件、零部件和系统,广泛应用于轨道交通、机械、工程、矿业及其它重要工业行业。目前,大陆集团在中国共设有25个生产基地、28个研发中心,员工总数约为16,500名,为中国市场提供定制化的解决方案。

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Observe que você só pode se candidatar por meio deste portal se estiver atualmente empregado pela Continental. Caso ainda não seja funcionário, esperamos receber sua candidatura por meio de nosso portal de empregos externo.

As candidaturas através do portal interno de vagas não constituem nenhum direito legal ou relação de trabalho.

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