Quality Engineer - Hot Prep.

Descrição da função

Management of all tasks to assure process capability in Hot Prep. area, 
Assurance of compound quality and semi-products quality,
Prevention of non-qualified products reaching the market.

Scrap 1 & 2, 
On time handling of audit findings (Internal, PPS, QMS certification, OE) in Hot Prep. area,
Process Excellence
Train and manage his or her staff

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3 - 5 Years working experience in Quality management. 
2 - 3 Years in the automotive manufacturing industry preferred.

Tertiary qualification in an Engineering or Scientific field
Bachelor degree is a must, 
Fluent english communication is a must

2-3 Years in rubber manufacturing and or Quality management preferred.

Better to have 1 - 2 years experience on leading a small groud or team

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O que oferecemos

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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Observe que você só pode se candidatar por meio deste portal se estiver atualmente empregado pela Continental. Caso ainda não seja funcionário, esperamos receber sua candidatura por meio de nosso portal de empregos externo.

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