Assistant to Head of Quality Department

담당 업무

Assist head of Quality department in general and responsible for administrative affairs.Quality KPI statistic and reporting; Departmental 5S and Safety;  Traveling, transportation, accommodation and meeting arrangements for the QM department/oversea visitors, auditors etc. 

Assistance to Head of Quality:

1. Assist Head of Quality department with daily activities,e.g. meeting minutes,appointments, reports, filing;
2. Responsible for traveling, transportation and accommodation arrangements for QM employees, auditors and oversea visitors;
3. Responsible for departmental 5S and Safety coordination;
4. Coordinate for various of plant level events as quality representitive.

Quality Data:

1. Enter quality data into the respective data collection systems;
2. Collect and release quality data reports in various formats;
3. Support for data analysis and continuous improvement activities.

Quality Audit:

1. Participate in onsite audits quality related for recording and filing;
2.  Support for open point follow up and updates with different fucntions.


1. Ensure implementation of corrective measures and maintain controls;
2. Raise awareness and provide information about ESH responsibilities and duties;
3. Ensure immediate notification and response, and initiate preventive measures in case of unsafe or polluting hazards.

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지원자 프로필

Bacheler degree for secretarial related major or background

1-2  Year experience in management asssitant responsibilities

Be able to extract data from a database and presenting the data in various formats (Microsoft, pivot tables, etc.)

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