Aftermarket Product Manager

담당 업무

-Product manager responsible for automotive  parts for China market
- Implement product strategy short-term & long-term, product development and cost management
- Create a lean an optimum portfolio based on market coverage analyses, market demand and profitability
- Coordinate activities with related dept. for product development for China market
- Drives the benchmarking activities within China

자세히 보기 간단히 보기

지원자 프로필

- Bachelor( or equivalent) or higher degree in Engineering or Business Administration
- 4+ years experience in Automotive Industry 
- Project management experience required
- Good technical & commercial /marketing knowledge and skills for electronic products
- Very good skills in MS office products
-Language skills English(Fluently in speaking and writing)
-Open minded and abbe to adapt quickly to the team in China and overseas

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처우 조건

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기업 소개

大陆集团致力于开发创新技术和服务,为人们及其货物提供可持续性的互联驾乘和运输解决方案。科技公司大陆集团成立于1871年,为车辆、机械设备、交通及运输领域提供安全、高效、智能且经济适用的解决方案。2021年大陆集团销售额为338亿欧元。目前集团在全球员工数量超过190,000名,遍及58个国家和地区。大陆集团于2021年10月8日庆祝公司成立150周年。 自从1994年正式开始在中国市场运营,大陆集团服务于各个汽车细分市场上主要的汽车生产商。与此同时,我们也开发和生产材料、功能部件、零部件和系统,广泛应用于轨道交通、机械、工程、矿业及其它重要工业行业。目前,大陆集团在中国共设有25个生产基地、28个研发中心,员工总数约为16,500名,为中国市场提供定制化的解决方案。

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