Monitor de Recubiertos y Costados


Monitorear y verificar las caracteristicas criticas del material extruido de costados y de recubiertos, las cuales se establecen en el plan de control,  para asegurar que los componentes cumplan los parámetros y estándares de calidad establecidos requeridos para cumplir las caracteristicas establecidas por el cliente y corporativo.

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  • Carrera Técnica o Técnico Superior Universitario.
  • Experiencia en la Industria Automotriz, preferentemente en posiciones similares.
  • Normas de Seguridad y Calidad    
  • Computación (manejo Office Suite) 
  • Equipos de Medición (perfilometro, flexometro, regletas, masas patron)
  • Comportamientos esperados: Colaboración, Sentido de Pertenencia, Orientación a Resultados y Calidad.
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Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2022, Continental generated sales of €39.4 billion and currently employs around 200,000 people in 57 countries and markets.

With its premium portfolio in the car, truck, bus, two-wheel and specialty tire segment, the Tires group sector stands for innovative solutions in tire technology. Intelligent products and services related to tires and the promotion of sustainability complete the product portfolio. For specialist dealers and fleet management, Tires offers digital tire monitoring and tire management systems, in addition to other services, with the aim of keeping fleets mobile and increasing their efficiency. With its tires, Continental makes a significant contribution to safe, efficient and environmentally friendly mobility. 

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