Senior AI Data Engineer


In the Budapest Artificial Intelligence Development Centre of Continental, Autonomous Mobility, we create next generation automotive software solutions which make automated driving safe and affordable. We work towards Vision Zero, a goal to eliminate fatal accidents happening every day on the world’s roads. We are looking for creative minds who are passionate to shape the future of automated driving by delivering world-class perception and fusion systems.

Our teams develop scalable and high performing data pipelines for various purposes in tight collaboration with machine learning development teams. Our aim is to maintain and provide high quality training sets and searchable data warehouses to serve the different business needs.

  • Data quality / completeness check frameworks to identify the useable data segments in the massive datasets
  • Automated data enrichment to find special scenarios, relevant edge cases for function use cases (i.e., object detection)
  • Metadata storage systems to enable our AI and function development teams to find their datasets in a self-service way
  • Reference system signal processing to generate ground truth information (using neural networks) in an automated way and integrate it into the data pipeline

Your tasks:

  • Design, develop and test high performance data pipelines using cutting-edge technologies
  • Work closely with AI development teams and application developer colleagues
  • Identify relevant scenarios in massive datasets
  • Implement and optimize high performance data pipeline (on premise and cloud) for Automotive Driver Assistance Systems
  • Think in systems and explore opportunities to improve and streamline end-to-end processes by transforming abstract concepts into working solutions
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  • University degree (BSc or higher) in a technical area: Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or related; or equivalent experience (3+ years) in software development
  • Strong knowledge of Python 
  • Experience in AWS or other major cloud technology 
  • Advanced understanding of data management tools and database technologies
  • Good command of English language
  • Willingness to work independently and as part of an international team

Nice to have:

  • Experience with agile development methods
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  • Competitive compensation and a wide range of benefits, including:
    • Bonus system
    • Annual flexible benefit (Cafeteria)
    • Private health insurance
    • Employee discounts
    • Sport pass support
  • Continuous development with access to numerous trainings, including technical skills, soft skills and language skills
  • Personal career development and a challenging role with end-to-end responsibility
  • Opportunity to see your ideas turn into reality with our test vehicles
  • Ability to directly deliver software into real, innovative products
  • Easily accessible office location in downtown Budapest (near Kálvin square). 

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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Continental, founded in 1871, is a global technology company specializing in sustainable and connected mobility solutions. With 150 years of experience, we provide safe, efficient, and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, and transportation. In 2022, we achieved €39.4 billion in sales, employing over 199,000 people across 57 countries. Our portfolio includes automotive safety, brakes, automation, and communication technologies for vehicles.

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