WUI-RD Mechanical Engineer Intern


1.Department / Location

▪ Unique knowledge in particular area(s)

▪ Consulting function for dept manager and to some extent for other depts

▪ Giving presentations within location

▪ Impact on decision making: internally (dept. level and for some projects)


2.Driving Innovation

▪ Technical / Business solutions and support in strategies to reach annual targets and beyond

▪ Improvement of existing products / processes

▪ Know the trends in own competency field internally and externally

▪ Create specifications in tenders and processes if applicable

▪ Guide and support projects and product development

▪ Core team member of project


3.Knowledge Sharing

▪ Continuously secure state of the art technology / business procedures, etc. by further studies, training, etc.

▪ Participate in knowledge sharing (ExAS, ContiPedia, specialists meetings, plant visits, etc.)

▪ Knowledge management (record keeping of knowledge)

▪ Act as an ambassador at fairs, universities lectures, etc. (depending on recruiting activities, university agreements, etc.)



▪ Train and guide new employees within specialist field (4 Star Trainer - over 24 training hrs per year, average score per course: 80)

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1.English (CET-6/PETS-4) -Advanced

2.Communication skills Training-Expert

3.Unique knowledge in a certain area (state-of-the-art)-Expert

4.Negotiation skills Training (2 days course)-Advanced

5.Product / Customer / Process knowledge (e.g. certificate in ProE, Catia ...)-Advanced

6.Finance Management for Non-Finance employees (external training)-Advanced

7.Knowledge management (External training)-Advanced

8.FMEA (Production or Engineering - several internal trainings)-Advanced

9.Project Management (if required MS-Project)-Advanced

10.Training Skills - Mandatory-Advanced

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1.Structured problem solving methodology  --Advanced

2.Team moderation  --Advanced

3.Cross discipline knowledge of automotive electronics technology --Advanced


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科技公司德国大陆集团成立于1871年,为车辆、机械设备、交通及运输领域提供安全、高效、智能且经济适用的解决方案。目前集团在全球员工数量超过190,000 名,遍及58个国家和地区。大陆中国于2022~2024年连续三年年荣膺“中国杰出雇主”。


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