QT Central Lab Engineer


▪ Manage and coordinate the testing activities in the central lab.
▪ Contribute to strategic and operative planning of the Lab units (e.g. with respect to investments, capacity, technical equipment)
▪ Initiate and implement continuous improvement activities by applying CBS methods and training measures 
▪ support global or local testing engineering related and cross-functional projects
▪Perform the responsible testing activities in the central lab
▪Establish and implement the equipment maintenaice planning, spare parts planning&purchasing, calibration planning, internal&external calibration service.
▪Technical support to all investments set up for laboratory and production testing equipment in the region APAC 
▪Coordinate with Test Engineering on machinary technical developping and trouble shootings.
▪New greenfield lab built up support
▪Support the KPI monitoring and reporting from the equipment side.(e.g. broken rate, shutdown time, calibration rate, utilization of equipment etc.)
▪Lab accreditation support
▪MSA implementation support to lab clusters in APAC

▪ Support the continuous qualification of lab employees in cooperation with plant HR (following the relevant HR processes​)
▪ Develop and implement training and qualification plans to ensure testing technical know-how of lab workers.

▪ support development of measurement and test methods in cooperation with TSSC, development and test engineering
▪ Cooperate and exchange methods and knowledge with internal and external partners  
▪ Technical support implementation of new measurement and test devices 
▪ collect and provide feedback and input for further development of standards regarding testing engineering and testing processes (e.g. Equipment runing performance, investment process, test methods deviations,  work instructions, standardized work chart, standardized work combination table, process parameters, materials)

▪ Implement all necessary measures for compliance with the applicable occupational safety guidelines. 
▪ Estabilsh and implemente test equipment operation safety regulations together with Test engineering.

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Leadership & management skills (incl. team-building, delegation, performance management and people development techniques)

Communication techniques (incl. presentation, change management, negotiation and conflict resolution techniques)

Project management skills, tools and techniques

Problem solving and decision making tools and techniques

Local language & culture (intercultural sensitivity) 

Knowledge of general mechanical & electrical engineering

Knowledge of test bench functions, error root cause detection, analysis and remediation

Calibration principle know-how, period validation and stastic data anylisis

Industrial engineering systems and methods (e.g. REFA, MES, TPM)

Future technologies, Industry 4.0 applications, smart factory related technologies 

Knowledge of the development processes of product development and quality assurance (PLC)

Quality management (including quality policies, systems and processes)

Lean production/CBS principles, methods and tools (e.g. production management system) 

Products, systems and technologies (functionalities and applications) 

Knowledge of the factors influencing the test result, application of this knowledge to the development of new test methods

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