Quality Risk Analyst


Job Description: 

We are seeking a highly motivated and independent Quality Risk Analyst to join our team. In this role, you will be responsible for processing and analyzing quality-related big data that derive actionable insights that will drive continuous improvement in our operations. You'll need to utilize cutting-edge tools and practices to provide valuable information to our management team while collaborating with stakeholders across various parts of the organization and locations. 

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  • Bachelor’s or higher degree in data science, statistics, computer science, or related field 


  • Experienced in using data analysis tools (such as Python, R etc.) 

  • Experienced in BI Tools (such as Power BI). 

  • Experienced in automation tools. 

  • Able to work independently and able to convey complex ideas to non-technical stakeholders. 

  • Open minded, creative, and willing to explore different ideas. 

  • Self-driven and able to prioritize and manage multiple projects simultaneously. 

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