Rubber Product developer


Lead projects for the development of new product technologies and processes to ensure selective technology leadership of OESL in the respective technical area

Develop solutions that meet customer requirements at lowest possible component- and process-effort (costs)

 Drive conceptional ideas to patents and or unique selling points

Understand and translate the needs of AE, PPD, CAD, Testing, MPD, PPI, VV (all segments and locations) and customer requirements to potential TECPD solutions​

Collect information about state of the art technologies as well as future technologies (contact to universities, attending of conferences, literature, social media, etc.)

Drive Concept evaluation, DVP, D-FMEA, tolerance stack-up, risk analyses etc.

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Master/Diploma/Bachelors degree in mechanical or industrial engineering, automotive engineering, chemistry or materials science

Min. 3 years experience on job in the area of process engineering/process or product development in the technical field of Rubber
Experience in automotive industry

Experience in development, project work and application of according tools
Experience in arrangement and documentation of target driven meetings

Experience and respect in contact with other cultures

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大陆集团专业开发前沿性技术与服务,以人和货物运输为着眼点,致力于打造可持续且可联动的交通方式。集团成立于 1871 年,作为一家科技企业,它负责为车辆、机器、交通及运输行业提供安全、高效、智能且经济实惠的解决方案。2022 年,大陆集团实现营收 394 亿欧元,目前在全球 57 个国家和市场地区雇用约 20 万名员工。

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