Purchasing Specialist


Delivers orders for production and non-production materials

Prepares requests for offers based on the given information, collects and then compares the received offers, involved in negotiations with vendors, places orders

Is involved in correspondence with vendors, solves complaints, and manages the necessary documentation

Analyses the market, international as well as local, to identify new vendors, technologies, or materials

Does the evaluation of existing vendors, to improve their performance and identify the best ones to focus the work on them

Takes part in project teams as a representative of the Purchasing department

Handles other operative purchasing activities on daily basis inside the plant and ensures that they are in line with the relevant purchasing guidelines

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University degree in Economics, Transportation or similar filed

Minimum 1 years of similar working experience

Good written and verbal communication skills in the English language (B2 level)

MS Office skills

SAP skills will be considered as an advantage


Efficient communication within the team

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Spremni za vožnju sa Continentalom? Napravite prvi korak i popunite onlajn prijavu.

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Continental razvija najnovije tehnologije i usluge za održivu i povezanu mobilnost ljudi i njihovih proizvoda. Osnovana 1871. godine, ova tehnološka kompanija nudi bezbedna, efikasna, inteligentna i dostupna rešenja za vozila, mašine, saobraćaj i transport. 2022. godine, kompanija „Continental“ je ostvarila prodaju od 39,4 milijardi evra i trenutno zapošljava oko 200.000 ljudi u 57 zemalja i tržišta.
ContiTech sektor grupe razvija i proizvodi, na primer, kombinacije materijala, ekološki prihvatljive i inteligentne proizvode i sisteme za automobilsku industriju, železnički inženjering, rudarstvo, poljoprivredu i druge ključne industrije. Vođen vizijom „pametnih i održivih rešenja koja ne podrazumevaju samo gumu“, sektor ove grupe koristi dugogodišnje znanje o industriji i materijalima za otvaranje novih poslovnih mogućnosti kombinovanjem različitih materijala sa elektronskim komponentama i pojedinačnim uslugama.

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