IIoT Interface & Automation Software Engineer


  • Identify priority machines/assets and barriers with stakeholders, evaluate costs for hardware or concept integration.
  • Support and validate automated measurement technology against customer requirements.
  • Ensure Process Diagnostic capabilities for stakeholders like Maintenance, Quality, Production across different connectivity states.
  • Assist in data-driven value creation through signal prototyping and iteration, driving process maturity.
  • Understand and evaluate global trends in manufacturing control concepts and interfaces, collaborating with universities.
  • Assess and migrate (Legacy) Manufacturing OT Systems.
  • Standardize digital processes, including Data model harmonization and change management, and implement Digital Twins for process simulation.
  • Consult and test Equipment focused Interface & Software Integration, ensuring standard execution within OESL.
  • Plan, execute, and participate in agile project management projects, including budgeting and reporting to stakeholders.
  • Provide training and coaching, sharing knowledge on process analytics and implementation possibilities, and contributing to ME process and machine standardization.
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  1. Basic understanding of manufacturing engineering processes, technologies, systems, and standards.
  2. Advanced knowledge in process controls, machine signals, and machine protocols.
  3. Advanced hardware expertise, particularly in PLCs and embedded systems in manufacturing.
  4. Basic familiarity with CT Manufacturing Software Suite (e.g., MDL, MDA/PDA, MSB, MES).
  5. Advanced skills in control design and system interfacing, including state machine concepts and Siemens control.
  6. Proficiency in low code data flow design software (e.g., NodeRed, Apache NiFi) and Linux container concepts.
  7. Basic programming experience with languages such as C++, C-Sharp, Python, JavaScript.
  8. Basic ability in plant/machine simulation, project management (especially agile approaches), and business process understanding.
  9. Advanced understanding of future technologies, Industry 4.0 applications, and smart factory technologies.
  10. University degree in electrical/industrial engineering, experience in manufacturing engineering, and proficiency in English and intercultural sensitivity.
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作為領先的科技集團和全球最大的汽車供應商之一,我們在塑造未來出行方式方面發揮著決定性作用。因為康迪泰(Continental)遠不止是一家輪胎製造商:你想為一個無事故的世界做出貢獻,讓可持續駕駛成為現實嗎?那麼現在就加入我們的團隊吧!在我們這裡,每年都有在 IT & 軟件、技術和商業領域的培訓和學習機會等待著年輕人才。


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