Product Pricing & BI manager


Optimize the product portfolio to support the business objectives. To enhance the product portfolio to be in the prioirty consideration set of consumers.  Upgrade the product portfolio to abide by the changing government regulations if any.  Plan & evaluate breakthrough products to provide an edge over competitor. Introduction of new tyre lines / brands to achieve business objectives and strategic requirement.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Establish & implement pricing strategy with respect to competition and maintaing the premium positioning , Plan promotional campaigns related to pricing which can help achieve business objectives. Go To market approach for market intelligence with respect to product and pricing information to develop better price positioning and build Business Intelligence from external & internal sources and generation of required MIS. Introduce price promotional schemes to support sales.

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University graduate in Economics, Commerce, Marketing, or Engineering.
Post Graduate in Business Studies. with 5 - 8 years of experience

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Fluent English & local languages (written and spoken).

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Continental India Private Limited

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