SHA_SHS_NEW SQM Component Introduction (CI) Engineer / GCAT LCD


▪ In line with Continental Global Quality understanding "Quality First", strive and drive Zero Defect requirement to the supplier base
▪ Drive Zero Defect Culture within the SQM organisation
▪ Ensure Best in Class "consistent and sustainable" supplier quality performance to support perfect launches and no spills
▪ Execute Mission, Vision and KPI-Targets for Business Area UX

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▪ SQM within a category without leading responsibility
▪ Secure time to market and quality to market for component introduction
Supplier Advanced Quality Planning 
▪ Ensure all components are introduced to project schedule and Product Life Cycle (PLC) requirements 
▪ APQP Management (Advanced Product Quality Planning) at category level (Red, Yellow, Green) in case of responsibility for component  introduction incl. necessary risk mitigation measures
▪ Deploy lessons learned / read across through the SQM Category
Supplier Quality Management
▪ Supplier quality assurance along the complete process chain
▪ Supplier release and technology release
▪ Drive and implement preferred supplier and component strategy
▪ Escalation Management
▪ Member of Supplier Improvement Programs
Supplier Strategy / Category  Management
▪ Implement the preferred supplier and component strategy
▪ Implement Category Quality Requirements
▪ Lessons learned & read across       
Supplier Performance           
▪ Implementation and control of appropriate supplier quality assurance measures along the complete process chain
▪ Drive Lessons learned & read across to avoid recurrences at/and cross supplier
▪ Contribute to the supplier quality related report in the plant (KPI driven)
▪ Regular reporting to supervisor to relevant KPI targets
▪ Perform process audits as planned and scheduled
▪ Secure implementation and compliance to IATF and VDA standards
▪ Review Lessons learned & read across implementation at supplier
3D /3F 
▪ Interplay on UX strategy including Purchasing, Engineering and Operations
▪ Contribute to cross-functional decisions within SQM targets for Risk Management   

Supplier development in line with "4 supplier ready to source" BA UX strategy
▪ Flexibility for suppliers visits towards SLC reviews and external contractor SLC control with travel share of 30%                                     

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1. Have LCD/Touch Pannel/OLED front end/back end working experience.
2. Have knowledge about project management/product quality management                                                                                

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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