Training coordinator Greenfield

Tvoji zadaci

Ensures that white and blue collar training is carried out in an efficient, effective and standardized manner, supported and documented by concise and practical forms. He/she ensures that the complete production floor and administrative personnel qualification system is implemented in production. He/she is responsible for improving the effectiveness of the organization by assisting in the implementation of training initiatives as well as manufacturing departments. Assists in the planning, implementation, coordination and monitoring of all training and development programs and strategies necessary to support the organization.

  • Performs a plant assessment at various stages of the employee life cycle to assess competency in accordance with corporate standards
  • Ensures that plant employees meet the required qualification matrix to perform the job competently.
  • Ensures that all employees meet the skill requirements for the job description for which they are employed.
  • Ensures actual qualifications of plant employees are updated periodically.
  • Actively contributes to Retention Management.
  • Designs, develops and delivers training for management and employees for constructive dialogue discussions to identify talent and feedback
  • Prioritizes, informs and consults with managers and HRBP on assigned or nominated development measures for employees
  • Prioritizes, informs and consults with managers and HRBP on development gaps for employees and regarding career/succession planning
  • Ensures that a standardized training program is established, implemented and updated
  • Develops and compiles training manuals and documents and other training aids and equipment.
  • Coordinates the development of training modules and maintains contact with other organizations, training providers and professional associations to stay abreast of new training delivery methods and instructional technologies and implement desirable changes.
  • Ensures compliance with training in the workshop for internal and external audit purposes.
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Tvoj profil

  • Bachelor's degree in: business, social sciences or similar
  • Minimum 2-5 years of experience in the industry  
  • Preferable: experienced internal employee ▪
  • External candidates: with experience in training and creation of digital content, visual aids and other learning tools
  • Intermediate English
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Naša ponuda

At Continental we are committed to building an inclusive and discrimination-free ecosystem in Mexico, these principles are rooted in our corporate philosophy and culture. Therefore, it is totally forbidden to request a pregnancy or HIV test as part of our selection processes.


Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nama

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2022, Continental generated sales of €39.4 billion and currently employs around 200,000 people in 57 countries and markets.

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Odaberi način na koji želiš da se prijaviš

Ukoliko imaš kompanijsku mail adresu, možeš je koristiti prilikom prijave. Nakon toga direktno u sistemu moći ćeš da vidiš status svoje prijave. Ukoliko nemaš kompanijsku mail adresu, možeš se prijavi koristeći svoju privatnu mail adresu. Nakon toga sva dalja komunikacija kao i informacije vezano za status tvoje prijave stići će ti na mail.

Imaj u vidu da se putem portala možeš prijaviti samo ukoliko si trenutno zaposlen ili zaposlena u kompaniji Continental. Ukoliko još uvek nisi zaposlen ili zaposlena u kompaniji Continental, radujemo se tvojoj prijavi putem portala za zapošljavanje na kojima objavljujemo eksterno otvorene pozicije.

Prijavom na oglas za otvorene pozicije ne postoji nikakva zakonska obaveza da kandidat bude primljen niti se prijava smatra zasnivanjem radnog odnosa.

Podeli ovu objavu sa svojim kolegama i koleginicama

Kako bi podelio ili podelila ovaj oglas za posao, jednostavno kopiraj URL ove stranice i onda podeli sa tvojim kolegama ili koleginicama putem mail adrese ili Teams aplikacije.

Imam u vidu da samo zaposleni kompanije Continental imaju mogućnost da se prijave za ovaj interni oglas. Ukoliko bi želeo ili želela da podeliš eksterno ovaj oglas za posao sa svojim prijateljima, zamolili bismo te da proveriš otvorene pozicije na našem portalu za zapošljavanje putem kojeg objavljujemo eksterno otvorene pozicije.