Industrial Engineer - Tires

Náplň práce

  • Maintains all other IE information updated (job description, job evaluation, work instruction and procedures).
  • Ensures all necessary calculations for resource planning, capacity, efficiency, standard times, and losses for the assigned Production area; identifies improvement opportunities and implements corrective actions.
  • Identifies improvement opportunities and implements corrective actions.
  • Leads Projects at the Plant Level, to improve Strategic KPIs, including Scrap, Productivity, Efficiency.
  • Support layout creation for new machines with respect to efficiency, material flow, and quality.
  • Identifies and implements layout changes to achieve continuous improvement in efficiency increase, losses and cost reduction, quality improvement.
  • Performs an analysis of the data in order to propose actions to reach the defined targets.
  • Identifies, proposes and implements actions and projects in cooperation with Production and all support departments to increase the efficiency of equipment and processes, reducing losses, and costs and improving quality.
  • Implements Lean principles, methods and tools in area of responsibility.
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Profil kandidáta

  • University degree (Engineering).
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in a similar position.
  • Communication and negotiation skills.
  • Medium English language knowledge.
  • Project management and process optimization knowledge represents a plus.
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Excel – advanced level).
  • Lean Manufacturing knowledge.
  • Results oriented person, with focus on quality;
  • Problem solving abilities and innovative approach.
  • AutoCAD.
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Čo ponúkame

  • 13th salary
  • Performance bonus
  • Christmas & Easter bonus
  • Seniority bonus
  • Flexible working time;
  • Home office;
  • Competitive salaries & benefits;
  • Health & wellness (Life Assurance, Private Health and Dental Insurance, Sport activities, Canteen, 24/7 Helpline with Psychologists etc.);
  • Different discounts (tires, glasses, medical, shopping, etc.)
  • Relocation bonus for non-Timisoara Residents
  • Professional development opportunities (in Technical and Leadership Areas);
  • International Work Environment & Traveling Opportunities.

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nás

The Business Area Tires offers the perfect tires for a wide range of different applications - from cars, trucks and buses to special vehicles, bicycles and motorcycles. Through continuous investment in Research & Development, Continental makes a major contribution to safe, cost-effective and ecologically efficient mobility. The portfolio of the Business Area Tires includes services for the tire trade and for fleet applications, as well as digital management systems for tires.

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