Employee Backoffice (Digital Service Book Entries)

Náplň práce

  • Understand service reports and performed services in the branches in order to retrieve essential data required to perform service book entries
  • Perform digital service book entries on OEM platforms for both franchise and equity branches
  • Retrieve vehicle service histories from OEM platforms upon request from the branches
  • Support franchise and equity branches on performing high quality services 
  • Support branches in mobility guarantee handling for inspection services performed by the network
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Profil kandidáta

  • Good command in German in order to understand service reports and perform the necessary entries on the OEM platforms
  • Through working habits to avoid errors in the data entries
  • Basic technical savvy to understand performed services by the branches
  • Good communication skills to communicate with the staff in the branches
  • Critical/ logical thinking to identify potential errors in the service reports which may lead to wrong entries on the OEM platforms
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Čo ponúkame

  • Endless development opportunities in an international company and work with leading world-class technologies
  • Company discounts
  • Discounts in modern employee restaurant
  • Extra paid time off
  • Flexible working hours
  • Mobile work option or work from office operated to the highest level of comfort and sustainability

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O nás

With a network of over 450 locations, Vergölst ensures the mobility of customers nationwide. Founded in Aachen in 1926, Germany's oldest tyre retailer has grown steadily and has now established itself as a specialist in tyres and car service services. Vergölst has been part of the Continental Group since 1974. Today, around 1,900 employees throughout Germany generate an annual turnover of 330 million euros.

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