Purchasing Category Manager I IT Cluster

Náplň práce

Continental is looking for qualified candidates to fulfill 3 positions, that will support the grow and consolidation of Purchasing Tires Sector at Continental. These professionals will perform as Global and Regional Category IT Manager within the respective Tires Purchasing Cluster, by providing Continental with expertise and best practices in the fields of IT Strategic Sourcing, Supply Market Analysis, IT Projects and Category Management. This role is a leading self position and will be performed in Lousado (Portugal), reporting directly to the Head of the Category in Hannover (Germany). Estimated PVO (Purchasing Volume) can be up to 150 million euros. It includes the following activities and responsibilities:

  • Conducting global tenders and negotiating commercial terms (quality, quantities, prices, lead times, logistics);
  • Responsibility for decisions regarding awarding business to suppliers;
  • Concluding contracts, also according to foreign and international law in cooperation with the legal department;
  • Implementation and negotiation of contracts (communication and project management);
  • Ensuring the supply of required goods and services in quality and time;
  • Ensure compliance with all required company policies, processes and guidelines;
  • Ensure customer centricity through understanding customers’ expectations, needs, and wishes while building a strong Global Category network with your customer and other participants;
  • Definition of the supplier strategy in cooperation with the specialist departments;
  • Analysis of the markets regarding trends and innovations;
  • Monitoring supplier performance in terms of quality, delivery reliability and financial stability;
  • Determination of requirements, clarification with the specialist departments and pooling across locations, and countries.
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Profil kandidáta

  • University degree in Information Technology, Engineering, Economics or a comparable;
  • Work experience in purchasing for complex goods and services, preferred IT;
  • Good knowledge of the IT market and it's dynamically changing environment (technology, products and services);
  • Experience in managing complex projects in terms of content, technology, number of employees, suppliers, organizational units, and countries;
  • Customer and Stakeholder centric relationship building skills;
  • Strong negotiation and advanced analytical skills;
  • Ability to work independently and take decisions;
  • Business fluent in English (written and spoken);
  • Willingness to travel.
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Čo ponúkame

What We Offer:

  • The multi-cultural and international environment of a global player;
  • Chance to participate in strategical decisions, solve problems, shape innovations and contribute to a change at Continental;
  • Attractive working conditions, compensation and benefits;
  • Development of a career at Continental;
  • Local contract (Portugal) and hybrid work model.

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nás

As one of the leading automotive suppliers worldwide, we develop solutions to fulfill people´s dreams of mobility on a daily basis. Driver safety, sustainability and industrialization of future tech­nology are just some of our key fields where we already make a meaningful difference in the every­day life of people. Knowing our technology helps to make the world a better and safer place is what drives us.

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