Development Engineer II - Tire line development winter
Náplň práce
- Development of new passenger tire lines for Private and Second Line Brands segment according customer requirements
- Complete responsibility for products from initial development till market introduction
- Responsibility for quality and performance of running product lines
- Documentation, specification and presentation of new products
- Launch of the new products in the market
- Highlighting, addressing and implementing quality measures within tire lines
- Coordination of testing and test evaluation
- Value leadership activities, efficiency steering
- Project membership and leadership between Continental Departments worldwide
- Management of projects, line tasks and planning
of department activities - Close interfacing with manufacturing plants internationally
- Close cooperation with other departments within R&D worldwide
Profil kandidáta
- University degree, technical field (e.g. scientific, mechanical engineering)
- Project management or leadership experience is appreciated
- English language proficiency necessary (Reading, writing
and speaking) - Analytical skills, innovative thinking, flexibility,
ability to challenge status quo - Strong communication and sociable networking skills
Čo ponúkame
- Modern work environment, ergonomic equipment (e.g. personal laptop notebook, adjustable working table).
- Innovative atmosphere with open door culture.
- Flexible working hours and home office policy.
- Dynamic jobs with international interfaces.
- Freedom to act within position responsibilities - Let your ideas shape the future.
- Personalized career growth - Regular and continuous training.
- Remuneration based on performance, experience, achieved results & innovation.
- Salary bonus system (performance & profit-sharing bonuses).
- Additional salaries (Holiday & Christmas bonuses).
- Business trips including significant Travel allowance.
- Canteen directly in the company (only 1,20€ per menu).
- Rich social program: relax & wellness activities, children's recreation, sports activities for family members.
Initial salary (depends on experience and skills of the candidate):
Freshly graduate: TT8: 1 800€ + variable part
Experienced candidate: TT9: 2 000€+ variable part
Salary increase within the knowledge and experience gained up to 3 000€ gross/monthly and more.
Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.
O nás
Spoločnosť Continental vyvíja priekopnícke technológie a služby pre udržateľnú a prepojenú mobilitu ľudí a ich tovaru. Technologická spoločnosť, založená v roku 1871, ponúka bezpečné, efektívne, inteligentné a cenovo dostupné riešenia pre vozidlá, stroje, prepravu a dopravu. V roku 2021 spoločnosť Continental vygenerovala tržbu 33,8 miliardy EUR a v súčasnosti zamestnáva viac ako 190 000 ľudí v 58 krajinách a trhoch. Dňa 8. októbra 2021 spoločnosť oslávila 150. výročie svojho založenia.
Sektor Tires so svojím prémiovým portfóliom v segmente osobných, nákladných, autobusových, dvojkolesových a špeciálnych pneumatík predstavuje inovatívne riešenia v technológii pneumatík. Inteligentné produkty a služby súvisiace s pneumatikami a podporou udržateľnosti dopĺňajú toto produktové portfólio. Pre špecializovaných predajcov a správu vozového parku ponúka sektor Tires okrem iných služieb aj systémy digitálneho monitorovania pneumatík a správy pneumatík s cieľom udržať vozové parky mobilné a zvýšiť ich efektivitu. Spoločnosť Continental svojimi pneumatikami významne prispieva k bezpečnej, efektívnej a ekologickej mobilite.