Dept Head, Systems Engg Radar

Náplň práce

Team Management experience
Measure competency gaps, train and build the team for System Engg in RADAR
Select suitable team members for the right workpackages
Ensure all associates are equally loaded
Plan recources for new projects
Planning for know-how transfer for tasks from different locations
Represent Bangalore location in Module competence Center as head of SW project manager and release
Allign with all the other location responsible
Roll-out module competence center decisions at Bangalore location
Conduct mid-year and full-year performance reviews for the all the associates reporting
Ensure the associate aspirations, strengths and improvement areas are captured accurately
Review status of all the workpackages
Timely inform stakeholders on the status of the workpackages
Escalate on issues , ensure timely support to team members for the challenges▪  Establish a strong PL Radar orga able to work in
▪ Establish a strong PL  orga able to work in Innovation concepts.
▪ Contribute to the overall definition of new roles and responsibilities
▪ Contribute to the guild for overall improvement of processes & methods
▪ Build strong Experts in location for BA AM.▪ Identify the infrastructure requirements for the team in the location.
▪ Represent the R&D Department in the location.
▪ Define and promote synergies with other R&D teams in TCI for Technology solutions

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Profil kandidáta

University Degree in related field, e.g., Electronics & Communication/ computer science

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Čo ponúkame

.▪ Establish the process compliance culture within the RnD in the location.
▪ Ensure that the department complies with all the BU's processes and policies
▪ Define and Implement a Quality Strategy in the RnD in the location.▪ Enable the team to identify the Competency gaps for the roles and monitor the training program
▪ Promote an internal training culture
▪ Motivate the team to take up challenges▪Regularly interact with project team, higher management, and other global peers for the feedback and identify improvement opportunities.
▪Plan regular training/re-fresher course for the team and keep emphasizing on the importance of quality/processes in SW developement.
* Employee development
▪ Leading and steering
▪ Provide strategic direction and vision in the area of work
▪ Retention management
▪ Build transparency and Conti values
▪ Guides and coaches colleagues in their technical field of expertise
▪ Mentor group leads


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O nás

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2022, Continental generated sales of €39.4 billion and currently employs around 200,000 people in 57 countries and markets.

The Automotive group sector comprises technologies for passive safety, brake, chassis, motion and motion control systems. Innovative solutions for assisted and automated driving, display and operating technologies, as well as audio and camera solutions for the vehicle interior, are also part of the portfolio, as is intelligent information and communication technology for the mobility services of fleet operators and commercial vehicle manufacturers. Comprehensive activities relating to connectivity technologies, vehicle electronics and high-performance computers round off the range of products and services.

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