Fix assets inventory control

담당 업무

 -Manejo y capitalización de activos fijos de la planta

- Actividades mensuales de reporteo de control de gastos, facturación y headcount.

- Soporte en las actividades del cierre de mes, incluyendo revisión y analisis de estado de resultados y balance

- Revisión y aprobación de proyectos de venta externa para su facturación


자세히 보기 간단히 보기

지원자 프로필

- Licenciatura en contabilidad, finanzas, administración o alguna carrera economico administrativa. 

- Inglés intermedio

-Manejo de la paquetería de Office, como excel y power point.

-Manejo de Power Bi opcional

-Orientación a la calidad


-Habilidades de organización

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처우 조건

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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Choose your way to apply

If you have a Continental e-mail address, you can use it to apply. You can then view the status of your application directly in the system. If you do not have a Continental e-mail address, apply with your private e-mail address. You will then receive all correspondence and the application status by email.

Please note that you can only apply via this portal if you are currentl employed by Continental. If you are not yet an employee, we look forward to receiving your application via our external job portal.

Applications via the internal job portal will not constitute any legal rights or employment relationship.
