Brazil Trade Facilitation Specialist

담당 업무

  • Perform monitoring of customs and foreign trade legal changes and implement countermeasures to ensure compliance and business value for Continental Automotive. 
  • Participate in lobbying activities within Brazil community & prepare presentation and roadmap for implementation. 
  • Lead customs and foreign trade projects and innovation to ensure compliance, local content, savings and customer satisfaction within of regional plants & locations. 
  • Streamline regional processes and prepare documentation, mapping, RASI, lead regional implementation and train Brazil customs and foreign trade teams.
  • Support the management of the task forces, clarifying the opportunities with Brazil Customs Authorities while searching for best solution for the Continental Automotive business.   
  • Check OEM / customer requirements to negotiate conditions and lead changes to fulfill contractual obligations.
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지원자 프로필

  • University degree within business/finance/economy or an interdisciplinary education, such as international business/foreign trade with very deep and profound expert knowledge on Customs Code and Foreign Trade acts, exports, transits, special customs procedures. 
  • At least 5 years of industry/corporate experience within customs/taxes/controlling or finance.
  • Experience in projects across functions (leading, tracking, documentation).
  • Experience in process management (process mapping, RASI, description).
  • Proven communication skills through openness and cross functional cooperation; demonstrating the ability to work across cultures and countries.
  • SAP knowledge preferred. 
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English. 
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기업 소개

A Continental desenvolve tecnologias e serviços pioneiros para a mobilidade sustentável e conectada de pessoas e seus bens. Fundada em 1871, a empresa de tecnologia oferece soluções seguras, eficientes, inteligentes e acessíveis para veículos, máquinas, tráfego e transporte. Em 2022, a Continental gerou vendas de 39,4 bilhões de euros e emprega atualmente cerca de 200 mil pessoas em 57 países e mercados.

O setor Automotive do grupo, abrange tecnologias para sistemas de segurança passiva, freios, chassis, movimento e controle de movimento. O portfólio da empresa inclui soluções inovadoras para a condução assistida e a automatizada, tecnologias de exibição e operação, soluções de áudio e câmeras para o interior do veículo, assim como tecnologia de informação e comunicação inteligente para os serviços de mobilidade dos operadores de frotas e fabricantes de veículos comerciais. Uma ampla variedade de atividades relacionadas às tecnologias de conectividade, à parte eletrônica de veículos e aos computadores de alto desempenho completam a gama de produtos e serviços oferecidos.

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Please note that you can only apply via this portal if you are currentl employed by Continental. If you are not yet an employee, we look forward to receiving your application via our external job portal.

Applications via the internal job portal will not constitute any legal rights or employment relationship.
