Head of Plant Management

담당 업무

▪ derive the plant strategy from higher level strategic targets, in order to ensure the expectations of the customer and the profit of the company
▪ prepare the plant and its employees to meet requirements (internal and external)

▪ plan, optimize and control all activities in order to perform the following tasks
▪ fulfill the market/customer requirements
▪ improve plant cost structure (fix and variable)
▪ agree on adjusted targets with the BU in case of major deviation to the budget (sales drop, product mix changes, etc.)
▪ evaluate and define activities to achieve or improve the financial and operational business goals
▪ review and authorize e-CR, e-PR and purchase orders (if applicable also for an operations unit)
▪ evaluate and define actions to meet financial variations related to scrap, manufacturing and price
▪ coordinate strategies to improve inventory changes and minimize inventory
▪ ensure compliance with legal regulations (e.g. working hours, environment protection) and internal rules and procedures

▪ align the plant and customer interfaces
▪ implement efficient organization structures, procedures and processes according to BU, divisional or corporate standards▪ ensure high performance production processes with respect to KPIs (e.g. CT standard KPIs such as routing accuracy, process performance rate, delivery performance internal, manufacturing inventory valuations, overall equipment effectiveness)           
▪ ensure high performance supply chain processes with respect to KPIs (e.g. CT standard KPIs such as delivery performance internal, manufacturing inventory valuations)
▪ ensure balancing between short-term customer requirements and unplanned occurrences within the operations unit in order to obtain the optimal load and achieve the maximum customer satisfaction (on-time deliveries)

▪ ensure manufacturability of products within the defined responsibilities on the basis of authorized budgets within the constraints of quality, quantity, delivering and cost goals
▪ supervise, support and control ramp-up and ramp-down projects within plant
▪ ensure capable production processes and equipment with respect to KPIs (e.g. CT standard KPIs such as routing accuracy, process performance rate, overall equipment effectiveness)

▪ ensure quality of components, processes and products in order to fulfill internal and customer targets
▪ promote implementation of quality standards and processes according to the Continental Quality Policy
▪ ensure successful implementation of corrective actions derived from audits
▪ drive and support the implementation of projects and initiatives to continually optimize and improve administrative and production processes in alignment with central plant CBS function                                            

 ▪ ensure environment protection, operational safety and the enforcement of the company´s values
▪ promote actively of continuous improvement of safety, environment and health in alignment with central plant ESH function

▪ define and implement the entire human resource planning of internal and external employee capacity and qualification for the plant and definition of work, working hours and remuneration models
▪ ensure continuous knowledge and competency management as well as human resources development in alignment with central plant HR function
▪ cooperate trustfully with the works council (if existing) for the information and counsel obligation according to law and for labor negotiations and decisions of all legal issues concerning decisions related to the works constitution in alignment with central plant HR function


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지원자 프로필

>Manufacturing related technologies, systems, infrastructures, standards and processes

>Product knowledge (functionalities and applications)

>Production and supply chain management (including logistics policies, systems and processes)

>Quality management (including quality policies, systems and processes)

>Industrial engineering management (including IE systems and processes)

>Local culture (norms and behaviors)

>Problem solving and decision making tools and techniques

>Lean production/CBS principles, methods and tools

>Management skills, tools and techniques

>Human relations (team skills, conflict management, open-mindedness, networking) and communication skills (including presentation and negotiation techniques)

>Project management skills, tools and techniques

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기업 소개

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2023, Continental generated preliminary sales of €41.4 billion and currently employs around 200,000 people in 56 countries and markets.

Since starting its business in China in 1994, Continental serves all major OEMs across all vehicle segments. We also develop and produce materials, functional parts, components, and systems for railway, machinery, mining and other important industries. So far, Continental has expanded its presence in 23 production locations and 28 R&D centers, representing a workforce of around 17,600 in the country. Continental offers market specific solutions to the Chinese market.

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