Trend Scouting and Benchmarking

담당 업무

Lead the execution a proper Trend Scouting and bechmarking activities globally, build and manage the trend scouting and benchmarking projects and activities. 

Provides high impact Reports on technical trend and benchmarking in the focus areas following the strategy of the company. Introduce and present the Tech findings as inspiration for future Business opportunites.

Actively participates internal and external meetings, workshops, seminar, exhibition, etc., to detect the latest technical trend of the automibile industrial, collect the information and data for the industrial trend.  Leading the RD benchmarking projects and activities to benchmark the latest technologies from the global market and industry in the focused area. 

Build the trend scouting and benchmarking data to supports Innovation initiatives to create innovation projects or advanced projects 

Drive the trend scouting and benchmarking process and build the trend scouting and benchmarking project plan, execution of trend scouting and benchmark plan blobally at regular base to ensure the deliveries and build a strong Collaboration Networking with main Stakeholders.

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지원자 프로필

Technical degree (Prefer Master or above) in engineering, material science or related area. 

3-5 years in different funcitions and roles, especially in the technology fields  within automobile industry.

Fluent English speaking and writing, prefer with good presenting and communication skills

Exposure and acknowledgement to different cultures and work environment

Affinity to new technologies

Trevaling globally

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Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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기업 소개

OESL – Original Equipment Solutions, For Future Mobility.

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  • 콘티넨탈 AG가 현지 법인의 채용 목적을 위해 귀하의 성명, 국적, 연락처, 이메일 주소, 경력, 학력 등 이력서 기재 정보, 추천인 정보를 수집 및 이용하고, 위 목적이 완전히 달성될 때까지 수집된 개인정보를 보유하는 것에 동의합니다.
  • 콘티넨탈 AG가 수집한 위 개인정보를 채용 절차를 위하여 계열사(구체적 내용은 개인정보 처리방침 참고)에 제공하고, 위 계열사가 채용 목적을 완전히 달성할 때까지 보유하는 것에 동의합니다.
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