Two Wheel Tire Intern

Your tasks

Support Two Wheel production,

1) WI and SOP

2) Improvement project at production area

Bővebben Kevesebb

Your profile

Currently doing Bachelors Degree or Diploma in Engineering related fields
Proficient computer skills, including Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, and Excel), Canva, etc.
Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and Bahasa Malaysia
Energetic and eager to tackle new projects and ideas

Bővebben Kevesebb


Please attach you university internship letter and indicate your internship period.

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

Bővebben Kevesebb


Continental develops intelligent technologies for transporting people and their goods. As a reliable partner, the international automotive supplier, tire manufacturer, and industrial partner provides sustainable, safe, comfortable, individual, and affordable solutions. In 2015, the corporation generated sales of €39.2 billion with its five divisions, Chassis & Safety, Interior, Powertrain, Tires, and ContiTech. Continental currently employs approximately 215,000 people in 55 countries. We want you at our facility in Alor Setar.

Bővebben Kevesebb

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Kérjük, vedd figyelembe, hogy ezen a portálon keresztül csak akkor jelentkezhetsz, ha jelenleg a Continental alkalmazásában állsz. Ha még nem vagy alkalmazott, várjuk jelentkezésedet a külső állásportálunkon keresztül.

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Ne feledd, erre a belső állásra csak a Continental munkatársai jelentkezhetnek. Ha egy külsőleg közzétett állást szeretnél megosztani ismerőseiddel, kérjük, látogass el a külső állásportálunkra.