Specialist - IE


Support to Achieve the sales Target

Support to Achieve the Target of Production Cost Reduction

Support to achieve long-term goals

Support to Analyze the market, competitors, and trends to identify new business opportunities with new Technologies.

Knows company quality policy and the impact of his activities in achieving quality targets.

And foucs on improve Productivity.

Capable to interact with internal teams:

1. Experience in multi-departmental projects

2. Knowledge of English B2 level

Identify and Helps reach or Improve this.

Support to create development plans, build their networks, and take on stretch assignments for Organization.

Respects specific laws and internal regulations connected to company's environment policy.

Programming, Troubleshooting and Testing of SCADA, IPC, PLC Logic, HMI Screens Servo Motor, Drives as per the requirement.

Developed, analyzed, and reviewed PLC, HMI/SCADA programs, using Structured Text (ST) specifications.

Familiarity with PLC Software      TWINCAT 2.0 & 3.0, Simatic S7 Manager, RS-Logix 500, & 5000, CCW, RS-link, Factory Talk and PLC hardware, such as Beckhoff PLC, Siemens, Rockwell.

Testing and Troubleshooting various mechanical and electrical systems with sensors.

Knowledge of Robots & Vision System, With PLC Communication and Visualization

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B. Tech ( Electric/Control System/Electronics & Communications ) At least 4-5 years experience in same or similar positions.

Good communication skills and analytical abilities

▪Ability to complete tasks with minimal supervision

▪At least 2 years of experience in a Production environment

▪Desirable knowledge of pneumatic equipment, industrial scanners ,cameras and PLCs

Capable to interact with internal teams:

1. Experience in multi-departmental projects

2. Knowledge of English

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