Accountant: Fixed Assets

Ihre Aufgaben

▪ Process Fixed Assets transactions (additions, depreciation, retirement, sale)

• Manage data integrity and preparation of financial information to ensure completeness, accuracy, timeliness and accessibiity
▪ Compliance and quality control review (i.e. review of account analysis/reconciliations, Journal entry review and approval and adherence to accounting policies and procedures
• Work with local Finance contacts during month end close to ensure  adequate completeness, accuracy, timeliness, accessibility and  consistency to corporate policies and IFRS
• Execute/validate internal control procedures to ensure that company assets  are adequately protected including but not limited to review of reconciliation of General ledger account
• Participate in ensuring team’s metrics/KPIs are met or exceeded
• Performs other responsibilities as assigned including but not limited  to provision of audit support, running of reports, participation to team  specific groups and activities
• Maintains and executes adequate internal controls for compliance with corporate policies.
• Resolve issues and outstanding open items through appropriate  channels (i.e, escalations, collaboration with team members and/or  other workstreams)
• Support leads to drive process improvement activities

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Ihr Profil

BS Accountancy preferably Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
3+ years work related experience
SAP experience in General ledger (FICO)
Basic Account Reconciliation
Knowledgeable in MS office suite
Preferably with experience in process improvements
Leadership experience not required
Experience with working with international teams required
Good customer relationship 

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Unser Angebot

Replacement of Wendie Mahri Bantula, will move to Senior Accountant effective March 16, 2025

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Über uns

Global Business Services Manila is the only ContiTech location in the Philippines providing support to global stakeholders (e.g. NAR, EuroAsia)

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