Non-Tire Business Specialist

Ihre Aufgaben

Implement Non-Tire Product Strategy to empower Distributors and retail customers growth.

Non-Tire Product Strategy Implementation

▪ Channel Empowerment: Integrating non-tire products with retail excellence practices to help DD and shop grow.
▪ Profit Growth: Utilizing specific channels, such as online platforms, to enhance product offerings and increase profits.
▪ Automotive Accessories: Expanding brand touchpoints with consumers and enriching the brand's diversity.
▪ Strategic Planning: Creating reasonable annual and quarterly plans.

Co-operations and Communication

▪ Negotiating annual product and sales plans with platforms like Tuhu and
▪ Coordinating sales plans with DD and retailer.
▪ Developing cross-brand promotional plans to benefit channels.
▪ Collaborating with IP, Legal, and Controlling to ensure smooth project operations.
▪ Communication with the Marketing: Ensure that products and visual identity (VI) align with the brand's tone and style.
▪ Communication with Retail Operations: Ensure the implementation of excellent retail practices.

Market Insights

▪ Understanding the current competitive landscape of the automotive aftermarket and potential future trends.
▪ Adapting these insights to Continental's operations.
▪ Deep Understanding of Continental's New Business Model:
▪ Recognizing the value and significance of non-tire products within this model.



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Ihr Profil

Bachelor degree or above

5 years sales or retail development experiences in auto parts industry
Strong communications skills
Quick learning ability
Stress Management skills

Product planning and management

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