Vehicle Application Engineer - R&D 1810

Ihre Aufgaben

Vehicle Testing Engineer in the Motorcycle - Function Development Vehicle Integration [FDVI] Team

•    Calibration, Testing, Verification, and support for ABS, RLP functions.
•    Lead vehicles build activity and instrumentation activity.
•    Perform brake burnishing in test track and Outrigger fitment for Testing.
•    Perform Short VT in public roads.
•    Perform Durability Test in Highway and rough roads.
•    Testing at Customer location and support across India.
•    Prepare wiring harness (Warning lamp, Kill switch, External tap outs)
•    Perform software flashing & debugging.
•     Perform vehicle inspection and test readiness check.
•     Perform ABS, RLP verification in test track.
•     Perform failsafe testing on the bench and generate report.
•     Perform functional safety testing in vehicle and generate report.
•     Perform short vehicle tests in vehicle & report.
•     Perform Endurance tests in vehicle & report.
•     Maintenance of Data acquisition systems.
•     Follow VED Motorcycle Vehicle Integration / Vehicle Application Development process.
•     Follow VED Product Development Life Cycle and related procedures for project execution.
•     Follow 5'S techniques at workplace.


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Ihr Profil

Bachelor’s or Master degree  or have equivalent experience in the automotive field with 4-6 Yrs. experience.

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Unser Angebot

•    Good Motorcycle riding skills and know-how about Motorcycle Products and Control Functions
•    Should have know-how experience on brakes system, Tyers, Suspension Systems and vehicle geometry.
•    Should be passionate in riding and may have experience in riding motorcycle in any test tracks and racetracks.
•    Experience in vehicle communication CAN, DIA, MMI(Man Machine Interface)
•    Strong analytical skills and ability to work effectively with employees at all levels of the organization.
•    Well-organized, attentive to detail, and problem solving focused.
•    Excellent oral/written communications skills and interpersonal skills.
•    Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and be flexible.
•    International networking, Customer relations, Cross-Disciplinary Approach
•    Proficient level and experience in MS Office, Excel MSWord, Outlook, PowerPoint

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