Purchasing Analyst / Specialist

Ihre Aufgaben

▪ Support vendor accreditation process, ensure completeness of Due diligence and SCOUT risk assessment
▪ SAP PR-PO conversion and issuance of PO to vendor
▪ Order Acknowledgement
▪ Open PO monitoring and Delivery follow ups
▪ Calls / email inquiries to coordinate with requestors, department managers and vendors

▪ Approves/Rejects Shopping Cart requests based on Corp. Purchasing policy
▪ Requests for Quotes (RFQ) on purchases 1-5T EUR
▪ Comparison of quotes and track savings in in IST Tool
▪ Validate accuracy of shopping carts vs submitted quotations
▪ Filing of Contracts in Prodogy 

▪ New material creation (MTO FG) - validate product group and heirarchy, submit material creation form to Cost Accountant for product/material selling price; coordinate with Material Master for SAP material code creation
▪ Arrange for shipment, fill-in forms to pickup for delivery, liaise with Logistics dept, customs broker etc
▪ Communicate risks on availability of materials with Plant Production (RM) or Sales teams (FG)
▪ Entry Order and Demand Forecast figures in SAP BWP (PULSE)

▪ Supports blocked invoice resolution to facilitate invoice and payment processing 
▪ Meetings/inquiries from AP and Finance

▪ Other tasks and priorities as may be assigned by PPMs

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Ihr Profil

Bachelor's Degree - preferably  in Engineering, Business or Finance
Knowledgeable in Six Sigma and Lean methodologies is an advantage

At least 2-3 years experience in Sourcing, Procurement, Supply Chain, Logistics and/or P2P function

Work with Project teams on process improvements, development of KPI and other quality measures

Able to facilitate team meetings to share best practices, lead process improvement initiatives, actively participate/form part of GBS committees (such as events comm., Connect)

Able to work in local and international setting.

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Unser Angebot

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