Material Management Shopfloor Technician

Ihre Aufgaben

  • Managing the flow of materials and monitoring production topics.
  • Enforcement of all company policies and regulations and notification to proper authorities of problems and/or infractions, including following of all rules.
  • Continuous mentoring and training of employees for related topics.
  • Communicating personnel and/or departmental concerns to the Manager.
  • Analysis of scraped materials and total results presenting.
  • Root cause analysis of issues in shopfloor regarding raw materials.
  • COGI report tracking and closing not closed COGI issues regarding raw materials.
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Ihr Profil

  • Bachelors degree/ technical degree or similar qualification within the area of production and logistics.
  • Two years of experience working ir production or logistics field.
  • Good English and Lithuanian language skills.
  • SAP knowledge (MM,WMS).
  • Taking care and following inventory differences.
  • Investigating material flow issues and solving them.
  • Initiating or leading shopfloor material management improvement projects.
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Unser Angebot

  • Internal trainings with a mentor.
  • Private health insurance.
  • Accident insurance (valid even outside working hours).
  • A modern and clean working environment.
  • Additional paid vacation days during the Christmas and New Year.
  • Free gym with all necessary equipment (located on the company's premises).
  • Free transportation from Jonava to Continental.
  • Public transportation from Kaunas to Continental.
  • Employee discounts on meals in the company's modern restaurant.
  • Company-provided discounts.
  • Work in a professional, dynamic, multicultural team.
  • Opportunities for professional development in an international company and work with world-class technologies.
  • Salary 1487,60 to 2314,05 EUR + bonus before withholding taxes.
  • Standart working hours, I - V, 08:00 - 17:00.

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Über uns

State-of-the-art technologies and production of the highly developed automotive electronics in the heart of Lithuania. After starting our production in Lithuania in 2019, we are manufacturing electronic components and sensors designed to increase car comfort, safety, and autonomous driving functions for the biggest car brand names. Product portfolio includes seat, light, intelligent glass control units, long range radars, automated driving control units and others. Currently, Continental location in Kaunas is one of the most modern manufacturing companies in Lithuania, operated to the highest level of comfort and sustainability. Our diversity, passion and agility make us the place of choice.

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