Plating production intern

Deine Aufgaben

Realizar un proyecto utilizando conocimientos de ingeniería química para incrementar las piezas ok en el proceso de plating, sumado a dar soporte para proyectos en las plantas de tratamiento de agua.

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Dein Profil

Estudiante de: Ing Química o carrera afín

Conocimientos en química analítica

Ingles: intermedio 

Conocimientos básicos en tratamiento de agua



Seguro facultativo vigente



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Unser Angebot

At Continental we are committed to building an inclusive and discrimination-free ecosystem in Mexico, these principles are rooted in our corporate philosophy and culture. Therefore, it is totally forbidden to request a pregnancy or HIV test as part of our selection processes.

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Über uns

As a leading technology group and one of the largest automotive suppliers in the world, we play a key role in shaping the mobility of the future. Because Continental is much more than a tire manufacturer: Do you want to contribute to a world without accidents and make sustainable driving a reality? Then become part of our team now! Every year we offer free training and study places for young talents in the areas of IT & software, technology and business.

We are ready for you!

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