Quality Engineer(EC)

Ihre Aufgaben

  • Customer complaint

1)Handling customers’ complaints and taking actions for improvement. 
2)Collect customer feedback and deal with quality problem, organize analysis and provide 8D report
3)Cooperate with customer service to complete quality claim

  • Customer satisfaction

Keeping deep and positive communication with customers

  • Process quality control

1)Actively developing of quality mindset internally, leading by example and coaching to improve colleagues, implementing the quality system, solving product processing problem timely, ensuring product quality, meeting and exceeding customer requirement.

2)Follow up implementation, realization and effectiveness of the defined measures
3)Non-conforming products Analysis
4)Support for internal process problem solving

  • control plan preparation

Responsible for submitting customer PPAP data as required, and responsible for control plan preparation

  • Advanced Quality

New projects SOP review and evaluation

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Ihr Profil

Production process,system, technology, standard

Strongly ability of analytical and systematic thinking and acting

Techniques for problem solving, such as the 5whys, A3, PDCA

Computer skills: knowledge in MS Office, Excel

Strong sense of responsibility and highly effective execution

Communication skills include negotiating、 satisfaction with customer

With teamwork spirit and owership, able to travel and work under pressure

Familiar with local culture and language

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