Central Manufacturing Process Engineer, area Extrusion

Ihre Aufgaben


  • Challenge old paradigm by establishing new methodologies, like agile project approaches, BIG DATA implementation, digitalization and develop innovative solution
  • Develop and establish sustainable solution to stabilize the extrusion manufacturing process to impact tire weight, tire uniformity and rework / workoff generation positively
  • leading processing network member to develop and establish sustainable solution to stabilize manufacturing processes with regards to tire weight, tire uniformity, visual appearance and efficiency
  • Establish and promote risk assessment culture in manufacturing process organization
  • Run necessary process risk assessment with R&D and plant process engineers for sustainable process stability
  • Initiate and lead projects within Manufacturing and R&D as stakeholder to enhance continuously production and product performance related to extrusion
  • Establish and promote continuous improvement culture in manufacturing process organization with regards to stability and efficiency maximization
  • participate actively a cross functional and global R&D and Manufacturing network
  • Coaching and supporting within global processing team network by sharing and documenting best of best practice
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Ihr Profil

  • Academic Degree in Engineering, i.e. Mechanical, Industrial or equivalent
  • Experience in collaboration with production plants for product industrialization / implementation across different locations or tire development is preferred
  • Project management experience in an international environment is beneficial
  • Fluent in English (written and spoken)
  • Strategic thinking and creativity
  • Data analytics and statistical evaluation skills are preferred
  • Structured, self-dependent working style
  • Ability to work in a team, problem solving skills as well as assertiveness
  • Strong customer and result orientation
  • Intercultural sensitivity
  • Strong communication and passion to drive new ideas into reality
  • Willingness to travel
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Unser Angebot



  • Flexible working hours and home office policy
  • Personalized career growth – Wide range of trainings – IT skills, language education, soft skills..
  • Freedom to act within position responsibilities - Let your ideas shape the future
  • Attendance bonus (1000€/year)
  • Contribution to pension system
  • Additional salaries (Holiday & Christmas bonuses)
  • Extra holiday based on length of your stay within Continental
  • Canteen directly on-site (only 1,30€ per menu)
  • Financial contributions for baby birth, jubilee, etc.
  • Purchase of tires for discounted price
  • Modern work environment, ergonomic equipment (adjustable working table, etc.)
  • Financial support for relax and wellness activities


Salary based on experience, skills, and competencies of a candidate.

Remuneration for the position:

from T9 - 2 400 Gross/monthly average + variable part of the salary

to T11 - 2 950 Gross/monthly average + variable part of the salary

Ste pripravený pracovať pre Continental? Urobte prvý krok a vyplňte online žiadosť.

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Über uns

Spoločnosť Continental vyvíja priekopnícke technológie a služby pre udržateľnú a prepojenú mobilitu ľudí a ich tovaru. Technologická spoločnosť, založená v roku 1871, ponúka bezpečné, efektívne, inteligentné a cenovo dostupné riešenia pre vozidlá, stroje, prepravu a dopravu. V roku 2021 spoločnosť Continental vygenerovala tržbu 33,8 miliardy EUR a v súčasnosti zamestnáva viac ako 190 000 ľudí v 58 krajinách a trhoch. Dňa 8. októbra 2021 spoločnosť oslávila 150. výročie svojho založenia.
Sektor Tires so svojím prémiovým portfóliom v segmente osobných, nákladných, autobusových, dvojkolesových a špeciálnych pneumatík predstavuje inovatívne riešenia v technológii pneumatík. Inteligentné produkty a služby súvisiace s pneumatikami a podporou udržateľnosti dopĺňajú toto produktové portfólio. Pre špecializovaných predajcov a správu vozového parku ponúka sektor Tires okrem iných služieb aj systémy digitálneho monitorovania pneumatík a správy pneumatík s cieľom udržať vozové parky mobilné a zvýšiť ich efektivitu. Spoločnosť Continental svojimi pneumatikami významne prispieva k bezpečnej, efektívnej a ekologickej mobilite.

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