Supplier Quality Engineer_ Rubber & Plastics Category

Ihre Aufgaben

• Support at the early supplier selection according to Maturity evaluation level
• Release and approval of suppliers according to VDA 6.3 Process audit
• Coordination and monitoring of APQP elements at supplier to ensure supplier meet specification(Drawing & Standard) and project milestone
• Release of first production run at supplier incl. Run@Rate
• Supporting the release of prototypes, tooling, equipment (gages, fixtures), ISIR customer approval (e. g. process capability studies) by supervising that the requirements fixed in the Quality Plan are fulfilled
• D and P-FMEA assessment at supplier
• Support at supplier component reviews
• Coordination improve and development supplier capability
• Supplier complaint management from development till ramp up phase incl. monitoring of 8D reports
• Monitoring of escalation process from development, ramp up and serial phase
• Release of sample reports and part submission reports of purchased parts PPAP or similar standards
• Realization of Continental strategies and requirements including monitoring of the process to achieve all targets at supplier
• Work in international and multi-disciplinary teams including e.g. Purchasing, Engineering, Project Management, local SQM departments, Customer Quality and Logistic
• Establish Safe launch concept for new component and monitoring SLC report
• Monitor supplier 8Ds with structured problem solving and evaluation supplier performance.

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Ihr Profil

• Bachelor degree of mechanical, electronic engineering.
• Professional experience (at least 5 years) in quality and manufacturing field
• Professional experience (at least 2 years) in rubber & Plastics category
• Experience in automotive business (approx. 2 years) and understanding of automotive environment
• Knowledge of automotive standards including ISO9001, IATF16949, VDA 6.3,ASME standards
• Knowledge of quality methods in the automotive area (APQP, PPAP,MSA,SPC, 8D)
• Experience in working with international teams on quality issues
• Well known Structured Problem solving method such as A3&8D&ISIKAWA&5Why&FTA.

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