Data Compliance Officer (TM)

Vaše náplň práce

In your role as Data Compliance Officer, you will be the central contact person for all issues relating to data compliance organization as well as data protection law in Romania. Furthermore, you will be responsible for supporting Continental in complying with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation, relevant Romanian law and Continental Binding Corporate Rules as well as other foreign data protection laws. Another topic is the protection of the privacy of customers, employees and other stakeholders.

In detail, you can expect the following tasks and responsibilities:

· Advising specialists of departments and subsidiaries on current data protection issues

· Independently reviewing and documenting inquiries regarding data protection issues

· Reviewing and documenting within the scope of the procedure directory

· Reviewing data processing operations in the context of commissioned processing and advising the relevant legal requirements as well as reviewing agreements on commissioned processing

· Supporting the identification and assessment of data protection risks

· Supporting the prevention, detection, response to, monitoring and reporting of data protection breaches

· Preparing and implementing employee and management training in Romania

· If necessary, taking on the tasks of a data protection officer for individual companies

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Váš profil

· Fully qualified lawyer with profound data protection knowledge or with focus on data protection or comparable qualification

· Professional experience in the field of Romanian and European data protection law and management

· Experience in other compliance topics in Automotive/ R&D environment is a plus

· Experience and affinity with regard to forward-looking topics such as cyber security, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence

· Knowledge in the area of information law desirable

· Experience in international data protection projects desirable or comparable experience abroad

· Business fluent Romanian and English language skills (written and spoken)

· Strong communication skills, strategic mindset as well as proactive, structured and independent way of working

· High level of commitment, confident appearance and strong team skills

· Willingness to travel

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Co nabízíme

The well-being of our employees is important to us. That's why we offer exciting career prospects and support you in achieving a good work-life balance with additional benefits such as:

  • Training opportunities through MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses)
  • Flexible working models
  • Sabbaticals
  • and much more...

Sounds interesting for you? Click here to find out more.

Diversity creates value for a better tomorrow. We offer equal opportunities to everyone - regardless of age, gender, nationality, cultural background, disability, religion, ideology or sexual orientation.

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O nás

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. 

The Automotive group sector comprises technologies for passive safety, brake, chassis, motion, and motion control systems. Innovative solutions for assisted and automated driving, display and operating technologies, as well as audio and camera solutions for the vehicle interior, are also part of the portfolio, as is intelligent information and communication technology for the mobility services of fleet operators and commercial vehicle manufacturers. Comprehensive activities relating to connectivity technologies, vehicle electronics and high-performance computers round off the range of products and services.

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Vybrat, jak odpovědět

Na inzerovanou pracovní pozici můžete odpovědět prostřednictvím své Continental e-mailové adresy. Stav své žádosti si pak můžete zobrazit přímo v systému. Pokud nemáte e-mailovou adresu společnosti Continental, přihlaste se pomocí své soukromé e-mailové adresy. Veškerou korespondenci a stav žádosti pak obdržíte e-mailem.

Upozorňujeme, že prostřednictvím tohoto portálu se můžete ucházet o pozici pouze tehdy, pokud jste v současné době zaměstnáni u společnosti Continental. Pokud nejste v současnosti naším zaměstnancem, navštivte prosím náš externí pracovní portál.

Žádosti podané prostřednictvím interního portálu práce nezakládají žádná právní práva ani pracovní vztah.

Sdílet příspěvek se svými kolegy

Chcete-li tuto pracovní nabídku sdílet, jednoduše zkopírujte adresu URL této stránky a sdílejte ji se svými kolegy prostřednictvím e-mailu nebo Teams.

Upozorňujeme, že o tuto interní pracovní pozici se mohou ucházet pouze zaměstnanci společnosti Continental. Pokud byste se chtěli podělit o externě zveřejněnou nabídku práce s přáteli, navštivte náš externí pracovní portál.