Mechanical Simulation Engineer or Analyst

Vaše náplň práce

  • Clarification of technical issue and simulation objective.
  • Development of a simulation plan (boundary conditions, method, tools, suitable parameters, etc.)
  • Creation of mechanical simulation cases (including review sessions and traceability)
  • Execution of CAE tasks including functional, durability, strength, thermal, noise and vibration, etc.
  • Discuss, evaluate, and interpret the CAE results according to objective and technical issue (including recommendation)
  • CAE report creation according to test plan (including recommendation)
  • Contribute to the development of new products, analysis methodologies, tools, and techniques.
  • Proactively discuss requirements and problems with other engineers in the group
  • To work proactively, responsibly, professionally, and always in compliance with the company’s reporting structure.
  • Maintaining and developing personal skills and knowledge to ensure the best results.
  • Any other duties as reasonably requested aligned to the job role.
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Váš profil

  • Degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent studies.
  • Mechanical simulation previous experience.
  • Theoretical background of Finite Element Method.
  • Theoretical background on Resistance of Materials.
  • Theoretical and practical aspects on fatigue of mechanisms
  • Proficiency on Abaqus and Hypermesh tools.
  • MS Office in general, advanced level on Excel and PowerPoint.
  • English, Advanced Level.
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Co nabízíme

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O nás

A Continental desenvolve tecnologias e serviços pioneiros para a mobilidade sustentável e conectada de pessoas e seus bens. Fundada em 1871, a empresa de tecnologia oferece soluções seguras, eficientes, inteligentes e acessíveis para veículos, máquinas, tráfego e transporte.

A Nossa Cultura é focada em construir um ambiente inclusivo e colaborativo, somos movidos pelos nossos valores: Paixão por Vencer, Uns pelos Outros, Liberdade para Agir e Confiança. 

OBS: Todas as nossas comunicações são feitas através do e-mail, então verifique sua caixa de entrada.

Se você se identificou com nossos valores, venha ser Continental!

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