Accounts Payable Specialist

Vaše náplň práce

As an Accounts Payable specialist, you are fully responsible to deliver the defined services within the specified time, budget, and quality to the satisfaction of the internal and external stakeholders.

Main Tasks:

  • Checking and posting of invoices and credit notes regarding merchandise, costs, and investments
  • Processing of received reminders, clarification and resolution of discrepancies
  • Providing support to audit queries and ad-hoc requests
  • Evaluating and reconciliation of ledger and supplier accounts, reconciliation of balances with external suppliers and Group companies
  • Performing AP balance sheet reconciliation and payment performance reporting
  • Executing payment run, performing payment reconciliation and clearing
  • Creating and maintenance of supplier master records
  • Performing other periodical accounting procedures, e.g. accruals posting, KPIs calculation, GR/IR clearing, month-end, year-end & budget
  • Delivering and supporting knowledge transfer to establish new Shared Service Center
  • Communicating with internal and external stakeholders, resolving various queries while maintaining high level of customer service.
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Váš profil

  • Degree in Finance, Accounting, Economics or similar or relevant work experience
  • B1 level or higher in German language
  • Good accounting skills
  • Good communication skills
  • Good SAP/R3 skills FI & MM
  • Good MS-Office Skills
  • Transition experience is a plus
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Co nabízíme

  • Professional, dynamic, and multicultural work environment;
  • Endless development opportunities in an international company and work with leading world-class technologies;
  • Health insurance package;
  • Company discounts;
  • Discounts in modern employee restaurant;
  • Extra paid time off;
  • Transportation from Kaunas City to Continental.
  • Gross Salary: from 1704 EUR to 3000 EUR (before withholding taxes)

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nás

For 150 years we’ve been changing the way the world moves - now it is your chance to design the next chapter of the strategic growth field of Continental Tires. We are looking for you as an Accounts payable specialist for the Shared Service Center.   

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Upozorňujeme, že prostřednictvím tohoto portálu se můžete ucházet o pozici pouze tehdy, pokud jste v současné době zaměstnáni u společnosti Continental. Pokud nejste v současnosti naším zaměstnancem, navštivte prosím náš externí pracovní portál.

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Upozorňujeme, že o tuto interní pracovní pozici se mohou ucházet pouze zaměstnanci společnosti Continental. Pokud byste se chtěli podělit o externě zveřejněnou nabídku práce s přáteli, navštivte náš externí pracovní portál.