Puchasing Manager

Vaše náplň práce

▪ manage and coordinate all local purchasing activities for the plant 
▪ translate plant’s purchasing strategy into action plans and ensure implementation
▪ contribute to strategic and operative planning of the plant (e.g. with respect to investments, capacity and headcount planning)
▪ ensure the achievement of purchasing targets according to internal and external customer expectations
▪ initiate and implement continuous improvement activities by applying CBS methods and training measures 
▪ interface and local support to BU, BA or group purchasing processes and teams (e.g. reporting of savings, payment terms, material price development, reporting of raw material forecast, etc.) 
▪ participate in and/or steer local purchasing related and cross-functional projects
▪ conduct employee dialogues, personnel development and coaching

 responsible for entire purchasing process of production and non-production material
▪ determinate relevant purchasing statutory and regulatory requirements in the country of receipt, the country of shipment and the customer-identified country of destination and ensure fulfillment
▪ select suppliers and document sourcing decision to ensure compliant processes 
▪ negotiate and contract with suppliers (e.g. prices, incoterms and payment terms, Quality Assurance Agreements) as well as issuing purchase order 
▪ perform supplier development, release and support in supplier auditing (including controlling and evaluation of supplier measures) 
▪ dispose amount and delivery date of purchased material and investments

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Váš profil

▪ university degree, preferably in business administration, supply chain management, logistics, engineering or related discipline.

▪ 5 or more years of professional experience in various purchasing functions

▪ initial experience in rubber and plastic production processes preferred

▪ 3 or more years in a leadership position, preferably in operational units with functional and disciplinary responsibility for other individuals

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O nás

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2021, Continental generated sales of €33.8 billion and currently employs more than 190,000 people in 58 countries and markets. On October 8, 2021, the company celebrated its 150th anniversary. 
The ContiTech group sector develops and manufactures, for example, cross-material, environmentally friendly and intelligent products and systems for the automotive industry, railway engineering, mining, agriculture and other key industries. Guided by the vision of “smart and sustainable solutions beyond rubber,” the group sector draws on its long-standing knowledge of the industry and materials to open up new business opportunities by combining various materials with electronic components and individual services.

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Upozorňujeme, že prostřednictvím tohoto portálu se můžete ucházet o pozici pouze tehdy, pokud jste v současné době zaměstnáni u společnosti Continental. Pokud nejste v současnosti naším zaměstnancem, navštivte prosím náš externí pracovní portál.

Žádosti podané prostřednictvím interního portálu práce nezakládají žádná právní práva ani pracovní vztah.

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Upozorňujeme, že o tuto interní pracovní pozici se mohou ucházet pouze zaměstnanci společnosti Continental. Pokud byste se chtěli podělit o externě zveřejněnou nabídku práce s přáteli, navštivte náš externí pracovní portál.