Product Testing Engineer

Vaše náplň práce

Product Testing Engineer

1. Leadership: Lead Product testing team for new product development and production part testing

2.Scheduling: Plan and Monitoring daily, weekly and monthly testing schedule. 

3. Lab maintenance: To ensure the upkeep of testing machinery are well maintain and calibrated

4. Identify Defects: Detect and report any defects or deviations from quality standards.

5. Documentation: Maintain records of inspections, test results, and any corrective actions taken.

6. Compliance: Ensure that testing processes comply with industry standards and regulations.

7. Collaboration: Collaboration with the PPI engineer and production team for new product development and ongoing production part testing .

8.Problem Solving: Coordinate Structurer problem solving related to testing issue and rejection of tested product.

9. Reporting: Direct report to the Head of Plant Quality

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Váš profil

Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering

Min 2 year experience on product mechanical testing. 

Experience on Rubber product test will be an advantage.

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O nás

Vulcanite Malaysia Sdn Bhd are wholly own by Continental AG

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