CN_Pricing Manager

Vaše náplň práce

Maintain China marketing intelligence databank, support the management decision with last update market and competition information, further develop the marketing intelligence concept with more efficient sales supporting outcomes.

Setup reasonable price to support market sales, prevent channel conflict. Propose monthly promotion plan base on supply / price / competition environment, ... Provide price and promotion analysis accordingly.


Responsible for marketing intelligence budget for data sourcing and software setup.

Provide monthly market information update and project status review.


Competitive Pricing Strategy and Processes

▪Competition-oriented pricing strategy and tactics in line with company's overall strategy

▪Develop and execute customer-related pricing policies and implementation guidelines

▪Maintain a stable and balanced pricing structure for all channels

▪Manage and steer the portfolio and product mix to ensure profitability


Channel and Customer

▪Understand value chain, channel, RTM and B2B customer needs

▪Able to develop insights and perspectives on customer


Pricing Process

▪ Define procedures for regular pricing updates

▪ Set up data processing process

▪ Optimize data process with better efficiency and accuracy.

▪ Monitor market trends (Auto Market, Tire Market and Competitors)

▪ Generate necessary pricing reports to PLT China management team

▪ Provide suggestions on price movements and review on monthly basis


Price List and Promotion

▪Implement agreed pricing strategy and set up structured price list, with competitive pricing through benchmark to competitors' product lines

▪Propose promotion schemes according to market situation and supply conditions.

▪Monitor risks in pricing system and initiate proposal to keep the right positioning

▪Communicate price list and promotion announcement to sales and customers.


Channel Pricing Management

▪Balanced price across all channels to avoid conflicts and keep overall growth

▪Recommend pricing policy for key customers for sustainable growth


Market Intelligence

▪Make tailor made market information output by internal and external customer requirements

▪Lead projects to solve the market information open question with research method

▪Develop customer friendly marketing intelligence databank interface for internal and external customers(Marketing intelligence software communication system)

▪Lead the innovation to share marketing intelligence information by software supporting system

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Váš profil

BA in business or science & technology related. Master is preferred.

Fluent in both English and Mandarin.

Experience of pricing and marketing research in automotive or aftermarket

Experience of data processing and analytics

Experience working with route to market strategy and financial impact

Sales experience is highly preferred

Project experience with financial impact of business

Experience in cooperation with external customers and agency

People management experience is preferred

Maturity to manage senior stakeholders

Multinational experience is preferred

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Co nabízíme


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O nás

大陆集团专业开发前沿性技术与服务,以人和货物运输为着眼点,致力于打造可持续且可联动的交通方式。集团成立于 1871 年,作为一家科技企业,它负责为车辆、机器、交通及运输行业提供安全、高效、智能且经济实惠的解决方案。2022 年,大陆集团实现营收 394 亿欧元,目前在全球 57 个国家和市场地区雇用约 20 万名员工。


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